Professional Development

Productivity and Time Management
Productivity and Time Management

By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively even when time is tight and pressures are high. The first step to managing your time has been done for you. We have cut out all of the rubbish that's covered in most time management courses and focused purely on the stuff that really works. This course covers the four essential pillars to time management, why they work, how you can easily adopt them, and the benefits doing so will bring to your life and career. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to claim to be an effective manager of your time. Run time: 30 minutes

Price (Non Members): $25.00

Members: $25.00

Specialty Pricing: $25.00

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Project Management: Introduction
Project Management: Introduction

Leading or taking a role in a project team is an excellent learning opportunity and can really help you improve your career profile. This course will introduce you to project management. Run time: 15 minutes

Price (Non Members): $12.00

Members: $12.00

Specialty Pricing: $12.00

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Raising Resiliency: Build Tolerance for Stress
Raising Resiliency: Build Tolerance for Stress

Learn how to build a stronger tolerance for stress. This course is designed to help you improve your stress tolerance skills in order to become more resilient. You will discover how moderate stress builds tolerance for stress. We will introduce you to a number of stress-relief techniques such as a "Worse Case Scenario Game" and a number of compartmentalization exercises. After completing this course, you will be equipped to manage stress more effectively. You will no longer find yourself carrying negativity from one situation to another, such as workplace stress spilling over into your personal life. These stress tolerance techniques will help you to improve your relationships and overall well-being. Run time: 5 minutes

Price (Non Members): $5.95

Members: $5.95

Specialty Pricing: $5.95

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Raising Resiliency: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Raising Resiliency: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Develop your sense of resilience by exposing yourself to new challenges and situations. The Get Out of Your Comfort Zone course is designed to help you thrive in unfamiliar settings. In this course, we will help you recognize when your comfort zone is potentially becoming a danger. You will develop the capacity to create new habits, rather than simply execute repetitive actions that are counterproductive. After completing this course, you will feel confident moving beyond your comfort zone and understand how to seek a healthy balance when achieving self-awareness. Unfamiliar settings and challenges will suddenly seem like opportunities rather than obstacles. Run time: 5 minutes

Price (Non Members): $5.95

Members: $5.95

Specialty Pricing: $5.95

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Raising Resiliency: Tips from Super Survivors
Raising Resiliency: Tips from Super Survivors

Explore the characteristics of inspiring people who are extremely resilient. This Tips from Super Survivors course will introduce you to individuals who have overcome adversity. We will provide examples and demonstrate how these resilient people view their life in its entirety, and don't allow a single event to define it. We will also explore how these super survivors have told their stories in order to help others learn from them. You will see how they successfully channel their energy for positive results. These uplifting stories will help motivate you in your own raising resiliency journey. Run time: 5 minutes

Price (Non Members): $5.95

Members: $5.95

Specialty Pricing: $5.95

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Sales Negotiations: The 5 Stages for a Successful Negotiation
Sales Negotiations: The 5 Stages for a Successful Negotiation

For a negotiation to be successful, there are 5 stages you need to consider. The Skillshub "The 5 Stages Of A Successful Negotiation" course will give you an overview of what 5 stages you will go through when carrying out a negotiation. Once the course is completed, you will be able to identify what stage you're at and how you can help your prospect to get to the final fifth stage. Run time: 15 minutes

Price (Non Members): $4.99

Members: $4.99

Specialty Pricing: $4.99

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Sales Prospecting: The Sales Pipeline
Sales Prospecting: The Sales Pipeline

In this course, you’ll discover some of the most effective approaches for finding qualified leads you can turn into real sales. We’ll discuss customer attrition and how you can minimize the effects of lost business by always being on the lookout for new prospects. Learn why referrals, the internet, and networking provide valuable prospecting opportunities and what questions to consider when qualifying potential new business. The 9-minute video comes with downloadable student materials, which you can use as a reference tool when sourcing prospects. An online quiz completes the learning package. Consider pairing this course with other lessons in the Selling at a Distance series for the full scope of long-distance sales strategies. Run time: 9 minutes

Price (Non Members): $4.99

Members: $4.99

Specialty Pricing: $4.99

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Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention (Employees and Supervisors in all US States Except Supervisors in CA)
Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention (Employees and Supervisors in all US States Except Supervisors in CA)

Winner of Horizon Interactive Awards Best Instructional Program of the Year as well as the Ava Awards Best E-Learning Program of the Year, Common Ground is not your typical check-the-box solution for harassment, sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training. Introducing the most watchable, entertaining, and effective online training program available in the market today. A welcome change of pace for trainers, HR professionals, supervisors, and employees, Common Ground is memorable, engaging, and backed up by WILL’s patented, proven-effective learning methodology. Users play as a lead characters in a sitcom quality interactive movie, make decisions regarding harassment prevention and response, and see how those decisions play out. The program contains onscreen hosts who guide users through the experience. Scenario-based quiz questions ask users to apply core concepts to real-world problems. This 2-HOUR VERSION is fully compliant to train SUPERVISORS IN 49 OF 50 STATES (all states except California) and EMPLOYEES AND SUPERVISORS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT on the basics and advanced aspects of harassment, sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention. Topics covered include recognition, positive action, individual rights and responsibilities, prevention, response, reporting, investigation and resolution. The instructional content within this course was reviewed by the legal team at Squire Patton Boggs, one of the largest and most influential employment law firms in the United States, and approved for legal compliance in the localities noted above. Completion Requirements: There is no score required for this course, learners must fulfill the 2-hour requirement and complete the course in its entirety to register completion. This course is multi-lingual, with both English and Spanish options. Users simply select which language is appropriate for them and the course automatically changes to their preference. Run time: 180 minutes

Price (Non Members): $38.00

Members: $38.00

Specialty Pricing: $38.00

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Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention (Gated: for Supervisors and Employees in all US States)
Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention (Gated: for Supervisors and Employees in all US States)

Winner of Horizon Interactive Awards Best Instructional Program of the Year as well as the Ava Awards Best E-Learning Program of the Year, Common Ground is not your typical check-the-box solution for harassment, sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training. Introducing the most watchable, entertaining, and effective online training program available in the market today. A welcome change of pace for trainers, HR professionals, supervisors, and employees, Common Ground is memorable, engaging, and backed up by WILL’s patented, proven-effective learning methodology. Offered in collaboration with the Squire Patton Boggs legal team, Common Ground is everything you need to effectively train your people and achieve compliance with California state requirements. Users play as a lead characters in a sitcom quality interactive movie, make decisions regarding harassment prevention and response, and see how those decisions play out. The E-Learning version contains onscreen hosts who guide users through the experience. Scenario-based quiz questions ask users to apply core concepts to real-world problems. This AB1825/AB2053 GATED 2-HOUR VERSION is designed to train SUPERVISORS in CALIFORNIA on the basics and more advanced aspects of harassment, sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention; including recognition, positive action and individual rights and responsibilities. It allows supervisors to complete everything required to be in compliance with the state regulations in all 50 states, including the mandatory 2-hour seat time requirement in California. Upon completion, users fulfill the training requirements for receiving AB-1825 certification. Please Note: This version has been updated to conform with California's AB-2053 requirements on abusive conduct (April 2016), the state's amended FEHA regulations regarding protected classes, and all SB 396 and SB 1343 requirements. Run time: 180 minutes

Price (Non Members): $38.00

Members: $38.00

Specialty Pricing: $38.00

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Smart Customer Service 5: Handling Customer Complaints
Smart Customer Service 5: Handling Customer Complaints

This interactive online course is designed to help you understand why customers may complain, uncovers the special skills needed for handling customer complaints, and teaches an easy to learn step-by-step method for handling these types of customer contacts. At the end of this course you will apply the skills to your work environment to successfully handle any customer in any situation. To see accrediting information please go here: Run time: 60 minutes

Price (Non Members): $39.95

Members: $39.95

Specialty Pricing: $39.95

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