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Gathering Data: SWOT Analysis
Gathering Data: SWOT Analysis

Discover why conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis is a valuable step in building a strong business case. This instructive course walks you through each component of a SWOT analysis and provides suggestions for refining your results for optimal impact. You will also learn how to use a SWOT analysis to promote and sell your business concept to decision makers. The 7-minute video takes you step-wise through a SWOT analysis, using helpful graphics and examples to highlight key concepts. Accompanying resources include a downloadable course summary and online quiz to test your retention of the material. Combine this course with others in the Gathering Data series for more techniques you can use to develop your business case. Run time: 7 minutes

Price (Non Members): $4.99

Members: $4.99

Specialty Pricing: $4.99

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Hand and Power Tool Safety
Hand and Power Tool Safety

By their very nature, power tools are dangerous when not used as they were intended. This OSHA-referencing course helps users understand the importance of following essential safety recommendations. The course includes 8 major sections covering the use of hand tools, portable power tools, their controls and guards, abrasive wheel tools, liquid fueled tools, pneumatic and hydraulic tools and tool inspection and maintenance. You'll get a firm grasp of the hazards involved in tool use and precautions you need to take to avoid injury. All employees using tools, particularly power tools, will benefit from studying this course. It references OSHA requirements 29 CFR 1910 Subpart P, 1910.241 1910.242, 1910.243, 1910.244. Run time: 20 minutes

Price (Non Members): $15.00

Members: $15.00

Specialty Pricing: $15.00

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Handling Emotions Within Your Team
Handling Emotions Within Your Team

The Handling emotions within your team - Part A course explains how to accept your employees' emotions and work with them to prevent counter-productive behavior. The course touches on topics like how to use empathic listening to show your team you care about their concerns, how to identify when emotional unrest is brewing, how to detect the underlying needs behind employees' emotions, and more. By the end of the course, you'll understand your responsibilities towards your team and how to deal with displays of emotion professionally. Run time: 15 minutes

Price (Non Members): $29.99

Members: $29.99

Specialty Pricing: $29.99

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Handling Stress
Handling Stress

In this training course, you’ll learn effective techniques to help you manage stress, allowing you to be more productive and improve your overall sense of well-being. We discuss how stress manifests itself and how we contribute to our own perception of stress. With an understanding of this, you’ll be in a better position to manage your stress. You’ll learn how to perform simple breathing exercises to lower your stress-levels when necessary. This modular course is designed to help you recognize the signs of stress, understand how stress operates, and manage your stress through simple techniques and exercises. The module comes with an interactive menu, in-class quizzes and activities and printable supporting documents for easy reference. This version of the course is mobile friendly. Run time: 15 minutes 

Price (Non Members): $29.99

Members: $29.99

Specialty Pricing: $29.99

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Hazard Communication
Hazard Communication

Companies whose business activities involve the use of chemicals must have a written OSHA Hazard Communication Program to help employees identify and evaluate chemical hazards. In this course, you will learn about the need for container labeling and various other required warnings. We will also discuss Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the worksite-specific training required to keep employees safe. You will learn about the possible effects of exposure to hazardous chemicals and the safety precautions that should be exercised to prevent such exposure. This OSHA-compliant course recognizes a recent GHS update. Successful completion will help employees recognize and understand the requirements of their own company's Hazard Communication Program, and how to use SDS and chemical labels to identify and evaluate chemical hazards. Run time: 20 minutes

Price (Non Members): $15.00

Members: $15.00

Specialty Pricing: $15.00

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Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Exercise, and Safety
Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Exercise, and Safety

Transform your daily routine to stay healthy, happy, and safe on the job with this training course offering simple, achievable strategies you can start today. In this course, we'll explore basic guidelines for boosting your overall health and optimizing your productivity in the workplace. You'll learn five steps to being more nutrition-conscious and how to take an effective, slow-and-steady approach to exercise. We will also review common-sense policies for on-the-job safety. The course begins with a short self-assessment so you can evaluate your current healthy living status. Informative, self-paced video lessons with audio narration will then guide you through valuable health tips and advice. A final test offers the opportunity to review what you've learned and assess your comprehension of the course material. Run time: 35 minutes

Price (Non Members): $19.95

Members: $19.95

Specialty Pricing: $19.95

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How to Build Resilience
How to Build Resilience

This module explores key steps to help you build resilience in both your work and personal life. Run time:  5 minutes

Price (Non Members): $7.99

Members: $7.99

Specialty Pricing: $7.99

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How to Make a Good First Impression
How to Make a Good First Impression

You only have one chance to make a first impression. Your posture, facial expressions, the way you make eye contact and hold your posture can strengthen or weaken the way others perceive you. In the How to Make a Good First Impression course, you will learn how to use the first few minutes of any meeting to establish credibility, build professional rapport, and set the stage for future relationship building. This interactive module with accompanying video and downloadable worksheet is based on the business relationship principles of ‘The Connector’s Way’ by author and speaker Patrick Galvin. Run time: 15 minutes

Price (Non Members): $7.99

Members: $7.99

Specialty Pricing: $7.99

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HR Basics
HR Basics

As a manager in any organization, you will inevitably have to handle human resource issues from hiring and firing to conflict management. This course bundle reviews those HR basics. You'll get a good grounding in hiring practices, handling company layoffs and downsizing, disciplining employees, internet and computer policy and sexual harassment management for both employees and their supervisors. There are 6 courses in the bundle with varying time lengths. Presented in audio-visual format, courses include in-line quizzes as you move along and final tests to assess your comprehension of the materials. Run time: 275 minutes

Price (Non Members): $76.00

Members: $76.00

Specialty Pricing: $76.00

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Incident Investigation (Manager/Supervisor)
Incident Investigation (Manager/Supervisor)

This OSHA-compliant course outlines how managers should deal with an incident properly, from initial discovery to reporting. The information provided helps you prepare for any workplace incident, so that you can react quickly and efficiently. We discuss four topics which include the reasons why you would conduct an investigation, the procedures you would follow, conducting interviews with those present during the incident, and creating a post-incident report. This course is essential learning for managers - even those who have not yet encountered a serious incident in the workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation referenced in this course is CFR 1910.119 (m) (1): Accident Investigation. Run time: 40 minutes

Price (Non Members): $15.00

Specialty Pricing: $15.00

Members: $15.00

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